What Is An Ignition Interlock Device And Will I Need To Install One?

Was your license revoked for DUI?
Are you looking for driver’s license reinstatement in Michigan?
An Ignition Interlock (technically known as a “BAIID” for Breath Alcohol Ignition Interlock Device) is a breath alcohol analyzer, with computer logic and an internal memory. It connects with a motor vehicle’s ignition and other control systems. The BAIID measures the driver’s bodily alcohol content [BAC], and keeps the vehicle from starting if the BAC is .025 or higher. Effective June 6, 2016, the BAIID must include a camera capable of recording a digital image of the individual providing the sample. The device will also ask for random retests while the person is driving [rolling retests]. Interlock devices are being increasingly used in Michigan to deter and catch potential impaired or intoxicated drivers.
Driver’s License Reinstatement in Michigan – Attorney Daniel T. Geherin
Attorney Daniel T. Geherin, owner of MiLicenseLawyer.com and author of The Michigan Drunk Driving and Driver’s License Restoration Handbook, is recognized as a license appeal and driver’s license reinstatement specialist in Ann Arbor and throughout Michigan. Every day, Dan gets calls from clients and other attorneys asking about Interlock devices and how, when and why they are used. Typical questions:
“When does a driver have to get a BAIID device installed?”
“What are the sanctions for violating the device?”
“How can I get the device removed from my vehicle?”
“How much does the device cost?”
BAIID devices are used in three main arenas: One, if a driver is convicted of OWI/High BAC (aka, “SuperDrunk” driving), he will only be permitted a restricted license upon proof of BAIID installation. The use of the BAIID is typically required for 320 days in this context. Two, if a driver is convicted of multiple OWI offenses within a 7-year period, she may eventually be granted a restricted license by the Michigan Secretary of State, but only with use of an Interlock device. The use of the BAIID is typically required for at least one year in this context. Three, if a person is charged with an OWI and allegedly has a high BAC or after being convicted of similar cases in the past, judges/probation agents will often require use of a BAIID as a condition of bond and/or probation. This can be up to two years, depending upon the court.
If a driver commits a major violation (i.e., start-up failure; missed tests; tampering etc.), he will typically suffer a reinstatement of revocation or suspension, often indefinitely. And, if on bond/probation, she will likely be sent to jail for a significant period of time. Violations during a restricted license can result in new criminal charges, as well. These devices can only be removed by order of the Secretary of State or Judge, and removal before such time may result in reinstatement of revocation and/or indefinite suspension. Lastly, these devices are expensive, typically costing about $125/month plus installation costs.
If you are facing an OWI charge or have lost your privilege to drive and are concerned about BAIIID devices and how they’ll apply to your case, call a criminal/license specialist like Dan. If you have been accused of a major violation and want to fight that allegation, call Dan. And if you have any other questions/concerns about the BAIID in general, call Dan and his team at MichiganLicenseLawyer.com
Begin The Driver’s License Reinstatement Process
We’re available 24/7, we know everything there is to know about BAIID Ignition Interlock devices, and we’ll fight zealously to protect or restore your license. For more information, 24/7 at (734) 263-2780.